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Pieter Willem Botha

           Pieter Willem Botha was with apartheid. He agreed that blacks shouldn't have any power. He got influenced from a very young age.“Growing up on a farm among a provincial community of Afrikaners”( He then went to college in the Orange Free State that didn't care for the Africans.At this college they had a Nazi Allegiances.  This majorly impacted his thinking of coloured people.  And after college he was in many positions in the government.This showed him how the government didn’t appreciate blacks. This is how he mainly became to go along with Apartheid.

          After all of his different position is government he became the prime minister of defense. Pressure wanted them to end Apartheid.He sent attacks to other places where activist had taken refuge.He was elected for the South African presidency. He was allowing little power to Asians and Coloured . He allowed no power to blacks.When protest against apartheid  grew really big. Botha called an national state of emergency.After Botha stepped down for health reasons “Botha was called upon to testify at a 1997 Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearing, but refused to show and was thus found guilty of contempt.” (

        After he stepped down because of health issues . So De Klerk then took over the presidency. Too much pressure caused De Klerk to hold the first multiracial election along with that  De Klerk released  Nelson Mandela from prison.“De Klerk ultimately responded to international pressure, freeing Mandela and recognizing the ANC.”( De Klerk also held the first multiracial election.And Nelson Mandela became the first black president because of the new elections.



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