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Pre-Apartheid History

Are topic is about pre-apartheid history and how it's changed over a certain span of time. The Pre-Apartheid history had many cool things about it. Their political power was  based on changing alliances.They also had a social hierarchy. On the top of the pyramid was the British. In the middle of the pyramid is the Afrikaners. And on the bottom of the pyramid is the Africans. This eventually turned into a war between the British and the Afrikaners.The war caused them to create a peace treaty.Are main point is that we like learning about the Pre-Apartheid history.


Apartheid Museum

The Apartheid Museum would be a really good  if you want to know about South Africa. Going here will help you understand the Apartheid.This museum is one of kind and teaches you a lot. There are about twenty-two individual museums. These  museums take you through an emotional journey while learning about the Apartheid history. There are many videos  and exhibits that will help you learn about Apartheid history !In conclusion we will know more about South Africa's history and laws and rules.



About the Museum

The Apartheid Museum opened in 2001 and is acknowledged as the pre-eminent museum in the world dealing with 20th century South Africa, at the heart of which is the apartheid story. Such as exhibits on Nelson Mandela, Desmond tutu,And the PIllars of constitution. The museum is all about Apartheid.  


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