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 Race Classification

They have many permanent exhibits at the museum. These exhibits can teach you a lot.One permanent exhibit is the Race Classification. This exhibit showed how in the 1900 they separated people based on their skin color. They were then permitted to enter the gate for their skin color. They were not allowed to enter through another races gate!This exhibits will teach you a lot of things about how they treated people !


Pillars of the Constitution

Another permanent exhibit is the Pillars of the Constitution. Between 1994 and 1996 South Africa's first fully democratic parliament sitting as the constitutional assembly.These are exhibits that should stay permanent because they can teach us so much!

Other Exhibits

There are many other exhibits that aren't permanent.One non-permanent exhibit is Mandela Exhibit. This exhibit has a lot of interesting things in it. It has every stage of South Africa’s struggle. This exhibit shows how Nelson Mandela came through after all of the tough times. And how he came through and even became the first coloured president of South Africa.


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